Thursday, August 14, 2008

Our Hoosier Homestead

After reading all of Milah's blogs on her family's history, I wanted to dig a little deeper on mine. Grandma is always excited when I ask question's and loves telling stories (she wrote a book on the farm if anyone is interested) so I knew it wouldn't be a problem.
The farm I grew up on received the Hoosier Homestead award in 1992. This award is given to Hoosier families who have retained their farms for 100 years or more. It was created to show the importance of family farms and express the important contributions that these farms have made to the economic, cultural, and historical heritage of Indiana. I was aware that the farm received this award (obviously, that is me pictured above with my eyes closed. Wish we had digital cameras back then so I could protest a RE-DO!!), but after talking to Grandma I found out we actually had 5 farms that have won the Hoosier Homestead award.
Three of them were purchased in 1813, 1818, and 1846. They are all located South East of the farm we live on now and have since been sold to other Fayette Co. farming families. The fourth, McMullen's in Springersville, came into the family when my Great Grandfather Hanson married a McMullen daughter. We also have a farm located in Ridgefarm, IL that has been in our family over 100 years, but IL does give any type of recognition for it.
I do not know much about the other farms mentioned above, so I will tell you a little about the one that holds a special place in my heart. Hanson Heights was purchased in 1892 by my Great Great Grandfather, Greenberry Hanson. The original owner was James Van Horn. Van Horn escaped slavery on the underground railroad. His ancestors actually stopped by the farm in the late 70's and had tea with Grandma and Grandpa. They were friends with Alex Haley. Haley was responsible for the mini series "Roots". They were inspired by him and decided to do some digging of their own.
more on the history of the house and farm to come......


Unknown said...

That's awesome!!! You now have the bug! It's fun doing research and really not that hard when the family dosen't move away. I can't wait to read more. I knew your grandma would be pleased you asked. Too Cool!

Audra said...

Between you and Milah I have enough history to make my dork side VERY happy!!

Sue said...

Waiting to hear more, Emily...

What COULD be keeping you busy these days???