Thursday, September 25, 2008

Real Quick Update...

I finished my stained glass project and it works!!!

I had my last day at AT&T :(

Thee wenches and blokes had some pirate fun...arrrrr

I started training for my new job and this was my bathtub!

Hope I haven't been driving people crazy with the twitters BUT I think I'm addicted! And happy late birthday to Sheila and Milah!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008


I was catching up on my e-mails this morning. Tis the season for all things political. Some I read, and some I just go ahead and delete. I received one from my sister's mother (hehe) about Sarah Palin. It was full of pictures showing how she is a down-to-earth American. She loves to fish, hunt, and ride 4-wheelers. She's a wonderful mother. She blah blah blah blah....Honestly all I did was look at the pictures because I hate reading. Anywho, I get to the bottom and this picture caught my eye....

OK?! I originally said I wasn't going to vote this year, but I realized that people died so that I could do just that. Besides, if I don't vote I have no right to complain (and I'm sure there will be plenty heated conversations at the Sebree household come November). I thought about a write in, but those two candidates are there for a reason. Really folks, I was thinking about flipping a coin right before I casted my vote. BUT after I got this email, I'm voting for McCain....He used to be SMOKING HOT!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Making the switch

Starting September 22nd, I will be switching from AT&T to Verizon. I will not only have Verizon as my wireless carrier, but also as my employer. I am very sad to leave my current job because I love the girls I work with and most of my customers. I also know AT&T front and back, and although I love learning new things, I also am extremely nervous. The company seems to be very welcoming and excited to have me on board. Hopefully the transition will be smooth.
I would like to note: A lot of you have Verizon. This is great! Not only can I talk to you all I want for as long as I want, but I can also help you with problems when I'M ON THE CLOCK. If you see me at Wal-Mart, Church, or McDonalds please spare the questions...