Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Early Age Politics

Sunday after church, Quinton and I went to Dougherty's Orchard to hang out with my ex-boss and her kids. Braeden is 5 and thinks Quinton is the coolest human being alive. Kyler is 10 and a little smarter. After the petting zoo and apple dumplings (which Q and I inhaled in under a minute) we walked to the cars. Kyler asked me if I was going to vote, and of course I told him yes. He crossed his arms and huffed, "you are so lucky!" He was telling me about how half the kids in his class didn't even know who John McCain was, and he was glad they couldn't vote because they were stupid. Then he told me that Nickelodeon had a 1-800 number for kids to call in and vote. He said Obama was winning by a lot. He then proceeded with a million "did you know" questions (half of which I didn't) then gave a compelling speech on why the voting age should be lowered.

I was telling mom this story yesterday after we voted. That's right folks, I'm done. I don't have to sit and dwell on who I want to finish running this country into the ground. I already picked one! Mom and I went with Grandma, who wanted to avoid the long lines. Anyways, mom said that must be the age to get into politics. She told me about my political breakdown when Bill Clinton was elected into office in '92. She said I sat in front of the TV and cried. I don't know if it was because I like George Bush Sr. or I knew that my family was republican and Bill Clinton wasn't. I haven't the slightest idea. Mom said it was funny at first, but then she started to worry hehe. Eventually I got over it. As of right now I would even say that Bill Clinton was the best president in my lifetime.

I've been praying for time to stop Monday night, but I know that's asking a bit much. So I pray that voters make an educated decision. I pray that whoever is selected does what is best for OUR country, but most of all I pray that we make it to another election.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Looking back...

A couple of Sunday's ago, Quinton and I stopped by mom's after church. The entire kitchen was on the living room floor. My mother LOVES to cook and has acquired ridiculous amounts of cookware and spices. She decided to get a jump start on the spring cleaning (or late start depending on how you want to look at it). In the midst of the pots, pans, and non perishables was a stack of board games. Outburst, Sequence, Trivial Pursuit, etc., etc.. After a quick look at the pile something caught my eye. The name of the game is Risk, and I will tell you right now- you either love it or you hate it. Personally, I HATE IT! When my step-father was still living we would spend Christmas Eves playing this game. There are many different ways to play, but my step-brother always insisted on World Domination. This is way is fun until it gets to be 4 a.m. and Santa Clause can't put the presents under the tree because WE ARE STILL PLAYING THIS STUPID GAME!!!! The only way you could leave the table was if you had been defeated. Seriously folks...there was the occasional bathroom break, but ONLY if my step-brother had to go as well. He wouldn't even let us surrender until we occupied less than 5 territories.
I asked mom what she was going to do with those games, and she said they were headed to Goodwill. Quinton doesn't have cable TV so I told him to go through the games so we would actually have something to do instead of watching the same movies over and over. He picked three or four. Of course one of them was Risk. I told him that I refused to play it with him.
Wednesday after class I stopped by. We had already played every other game he took. I insisted on a good ol fashioned game of Gin Rummy, but he had already got Risk out. I explained the basics and told him that we were not going to stay up all night playing (at this point I think he still had no idea what he was getting into). When two people are playing there has to be a neutral force. The cards were passed out and the armies began to set up shop in their respective countries. After one army is placed in each of your territories, you strategically place the rest of your army, cavalry, and militia. Since the neutral can't place itself you take turns putting their armies where you want them.
Of course Quinton was done setting up in less than 5 minutes (amateur). After about 20 I was ready to go. He regretted his quick thinking as soon as I dominated Australia, Africa, and half of North America. However, greed got the best of me. I was spending too much time attacking and not enough reinforcing. I was plentiful in land but weak in numbers. After two hours he was ready for bed, but I was not! I was finally winning a game of Risk and there was no way I was letting him off that easy.
But as I looked in his eyes, my heart wen out to him. I saw a little blonde headed girl, exhausted from lack of food and afraid that Santa Clause was going to skip over her house. All she wanted to do was sleep. All she asked was that the game be finsihed in the morning. I then decided to do something my step-brother had not. I excused him from the table. I was not going to ruin this game for him like my step-brother did! I was not going to let him turn into the horrible monster I have become. Hopefully he now understands why I hate the game so much.....

and hopefully he wears his big boy pants next time because IT'S ON!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Real Quick Update...

I finished my stained glass project and it works!!!

I had my last day at AT&T :(

Thee wenches and blokes had some pirate fun...arrrrr

I started training for my new job and this was my bathtub!

Hope I haven't been driving people crazy with the twitters BUT I think I'm addicted! And happy late birthday to Sheila and Milah!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008


I was catching up on my e-mails this morning. Tis the season for all things political. Some I read, and some I just go ahead and delete. I received one from my sister's mother (hehe) about Sarah Palin. It was full of pictures showing how she is a down-to-earth American. She loves to fish, hunt, and ride 4-wheelers. She's a wonderful mother. She blah blah blah blah....Honestly all I did was look at the pictures because I hate reading. Anywho, I get to the bottom and this picture caught my eye....

OK?! I originally said I wasn't going to vote this year, but I realized that people died so that I could do just that. Besides, if I don't vote I have no right to complain (and I'm sure there will be plenty heated conversations at the Sebree household come November). I thought about a write in, but those two candidates are there for a reason. Really folks, I was thinking about flipping a coin right before I casted my vote. BUT after I got this email, I'm voting for McCain....He used to be SMOKING HOT!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Making the switch

Starting September 22nd, I will be switching from AT&T to Verizon. I will not only have Verizon as my wireless carrier, but also as my employer. I am very sad to leave my current job because I love the girls I work with and most of my customers. I also know AT&T front and back, and although I love learning new things, I also am extremely nervous. The company seems to be very welcoming and excited to have me on board. Hopefully the transition will be smooth.
I would like to note: A lot of you have Verizon. This is great! Not only can I talk to you all I want for as long as I want, but I can also help you with problems when I'M ON THE CLOCK. If you see me at Wal-Mart, Church, or McDonalds please spare the questions...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Anyone following my homestead blog...

I promise I haven't forgot about it. I now have THREE jobs so there hasn't been a lot of down time. I do have a lot of pictures to post though!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Our Hoosier Homestead

After reading all of Milah's blogs on her family's history, I wanted to dig a little deeper on mine. Grandma is always excited when I ask question's and loves telling stories (she wrote a book on the farm if anyone is interested) so I knew it wouldn't be a problem.
The farm I grew up on received the Hoosier Homestead award in 1992. This award is given to Hoosier families who have retained their farms for 100 years or more. It was created to show the importance of family farms and express the important contributions that these farms have made to the economic, cultural, and historical heritage of Indiana. I was aware that the farm received this award (obviously, that is me pictured above with my eyes closed. Wish we had digital cameras back then so I could protest a RE-DO!!), but after talking to Grandma I found out we actually had 5 farms that have won the Hoosier Homestead award.
Three of them were purchased in 1813, 1818, and 1846. They are all located South East of the farm we live on now and have since been sold to other Fayette Co. farming families. The fourth, McMullen's in Springersville, came into the family when my Great Grandfather Hanson married a McMullen daughter. We also have a farm located in Ridgefarm, IL that has been in our family over 100 years, but IL does give any type of recognition for it.
I do not know much about the other farms mentioned above, so I will tell you a little about the one that holds a special place in my heart. Hanson Heights was purchased in 1892 by my Great Great Grandfather, Greenberry Hanson. The original owner was James Van Horn. Van Horn escaped slavery on the underground railroad. His ancestors actually stopped by the farm in the late 70's and had tea with Grandma and Grandpa. They were friends with Alex Haley. Haley was responsible for the mini series "Roots". They were inspired by him and decided to do some digging of their own.
more on the history of the house and farm to come......

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I got skillz

Mom and I are taking a class through the CEC on Monday nights. It's stained glass for beginners. Here is my first project:

Just kidding! Here is my first project:

Just learning the basics right now. We now know how to cut glass, foil, and solder. We drew our designs for our big project this past Monday. Mine will be 12x12 with 22 pieces of glass (and about 1,541,637 cuts). I will keep you posted!

Friday, August 8, 2008

I'm going to write a book.
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
I'm not going to change names either.
If you're worried then chances are you will probably have your own chapter.
If you think it's going to be about a girl who thinks her life is awful, but it ends up being ok, you're right.

Hopefully by the time I'm done it ends up being ok....

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Circle of Life

Everyone, meet my nephew Oscar:

Oscar is an Oscar (somebody got real creative). He is just your normal fish, living happily in his little aquarium by the couch. I am house sitting for my sister while she is away on business. My job is to make sure the kids are fed and no fireworks are let off in the backyard (i did find a 50 ft. long sparkler that I may make an exception for). The dogs are easy, but I had to make a special trip for Oscar food.
Everyone, meet a dozen Rosy Reds:

The Rosy Reds had no idea their time had come when the green net jumped in and swooped them from their home. The car ride to Audra's was long and quiet. Maybe they new the fate that awaited them. I will never know. For my own piece of mind, I wrote them a goodbye letter. I followed the directions and put them in their net. Over to the tank they went. Some tried to jump ship (thank goodness the dogs don't like sushi) while others laid there quietly. Oscar was ready and waiting with a hungry eye. As soon as they hit the water, the hunt was on.

It didn't take long:

The last time I checked there was one lonely Rosy Red watching watching his back. I leaned close to the tank and told him he was doomed.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So it has been almost 5 days since I have sat at a computer. I survived but missed SO much!

I am happy to report that Dave Matthews put on a spectacular show Friday and Saturday. Friday was classic Dave. He even played Satellite which was a pleasant surprise (he hadn't played it in over 5 years). Saturday was ridiculous! They played my favorite song (Everyday) and even did a few covers. Pink Floyd's Money, and The Beatles That's What I Want. Tim Reynolds joined them for the weekend. The electric guitar element at a live DMB show was something I hadn't got to experience yet. Between great music, wonderful food on the grill, new friends, women with flaming chains, and filthy feet from camping it was a great weekend!

Last night was dinner with those crazy people I went to New Orleans (plus Leslie who came in Ashley's place). It's always great to see them. Nothing beats watching Jeremy and Nathan give Donna a hard time. I recommend that everyone witness it at least once! On the way home Jeremy and I got to listen to the CD from the service with everyone's testimonys. Tracy was right. Jeremy said "you know" at least 50 times hehe! It was also great to hear Nathan singing his song. I could listen to it over and over and over!!

I have tomorrow and Thursday off so I'm returning to my old stomping grounds...Fayette Co. Free Fair. Tomorrow is the cattle show so I'm going to go watch Phillip, and all the other kids that weren't even born yet when I was in that ring, show!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Scratch that....

This is my new high score. I think that puts me in 4th place (at least until audra posts another score). Ok i'm really done for the weekend!

When Emily Tries To Be Productive

I had a "honey do" list on my desk when I got to work today which I was very excited about. Today is my Friday so as soon as I'm off it's a 3 day weekend full of DMB and long lost friends!!!! The first thing on my list was to sweep. After it there was a big hahahahahaha. I never sweep at work. The last time I did it, Carrie took a picture. The Game Stop guy from the mall even peeked his head in the door and asked if I was feeling OK!
I'm sweeping, minding my own business, and the next thing I know a phone charger jumped out of nowhere and right underneath the vacuum! My first instinct should've been to turn off the vacuum. Of course, it wasn't. I throw the vacuum down and unplug the charger. How stupid could I be? I mean that is like going after a hairdryer in the bathtub! After a 30 second pause trying to figure out if I was still alive, I turned the vacuum off. I had to send Carrie a picture of the smoking vacuum to emphasize my point. The two of us just don't get a long!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shout Outs

High five to sugar wafers! I forgot how yummy and delectable these sweet crispy treats were. I was trying to pick my breakfast out at Shell this morning. Obviously Mt. Dew was first but what to eat. Something unhealthy and full of carbs of course but what? I was spending too much time figuring it out, and as I glanced down there they were. Fun, strawberry, keebler sugar wafers. SOLD!
I would also like to throw a high five to my peep Geraldine B. She was my first customer of the day and an all around awesome human being! Her stories about bingo, post-its, and life in general just made me smile. People always ask me how I can work customer service. As long as I have a customer like Geraldine at least once a week, I will keep clocking in.
Mad props to Kenny who woke me up at 7 a.m. to show me the coolest racoon on the planet! All black. Really. No stripes, no color, nothing. ALL BLACK and alive thank goodness!
If you are wondering why I am listing all the great things for the day it's because Q just left for Alabama. Boo :( I think it's because I fell asleep before I got to pray. Ok I'm sure that's not the reason, but I'm trying to justify. I pray that he isn't down there for the 3 weeks he wants to be, but I also don't want him coming back in 3 days. That means he found a job and will turn around to leave me for good....
Ok enough of that. Mexican tonight with the moms that need a break from last minute 4H projects. Yay!!
(i just clicked spell check and i had no mistakes. high five)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mountain of God

*DISCLAIMER* The following blog contains no pictures. Sorry if that bores you. However, there are many links that I hope you all visit....

Yesterday was not a good day. In fact, even with all the good things that happened, I wish I could find the rewind button.

I've been struggling. A lot. With things that are minor, but I make major, even though I know they're minor, then I feel bad because it could be worse, but in my mind it couldn't be (sorry for all you grammar buffs out there. I'm sure that sentence just made you cry). I don't ask for help. The explanation can be found in the first two lines of this. I know this is a problem, but I feel it will be more of a burden after I have let things fester.

My step mom just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Or maybe she thought it was the wrong place at the wrong time after I started bawling like a baby about how "I can't believe I'm almost 25 and this is where I'm at" haha! I don't know how she did it, but somehow she made me spill the beans (my coke did taste a little funny that night). She kept asking me "Well what do you want?" and all I could say is "I don't know".

Once Dad was done doing whatever it is he does when he wanders around the house, we sat down in the kitchen. He reached for the bible, and I began to smile. The reason I don't like to talk about my problems became apparent. It is because I don't use the right source to help me through them. All the troubles, fears, and worries I have seem to take me further and further away from the one with all the answers. I wish I could remember all the verses that Dad and Sue referred to, but my mind was on something else.

I had the answer to Sue's question. I wanted to feel God. I wanted to feel him like I did when I was in New Orleans. Like when I go down to the alter and place my hand on a fellow brother or sisters shoulder. I want to feel this all the time but had never been able to in my life away from the church or since LA. But as I sat there at Dad's retro kitchen table, feeling the fan hit my face because the air conditioning was broken, and listening to Scooby huffing because it was way past potty time, I did. I felt it....

When I got ready to leave Dad asked if I wanted to pray. YES PLEASE!!!! I have prayed with my father and Sue many times in that kitchen, but none compare to the prayer I heard last night. Sue said it best when she said "there is nothing like a parent's prayer". My dad prays that I am blessed SO much that I know it has to be a gift from God. Do you know how awesome it is to hear someone ask that for me? Little old me who thinks her life is over at 25, will probably never graduate college, and has a thing for little guitars? I know that our Father's love is more powerful than any other love we will experience, but last night, hearing my father's prayer for me....well I think we might have to go in to overtime :)

*DISCLAIMER 2* This is starting to get a little long and I'm sorry. If you would like to come back to the rest of it later I understand, but please come back...

I never really leave dad's house till about an hour after the first time I say it. So Scooby's huff's are now directed specifically towards me when Sue says she wants to burn me a CD. I guess I have Courtney to thank because she is the one who introduced Sue to Third Day. I have always been a music lover. I firmly believe that no matter what is going wrong or right in your life, there is a song that puts everything you feel with a rhythm. Mix God into that and it is a win win! Why I never listened to Christian music before is beyond me!

Like a good grasshopper, I listened to the CD just as directed: With headphones! The CD that I have is one of many, but with every song I thought of something.

Sing A Song made me think of Nathan, the song he sang at church, and the many others that are dancing in his head eager to get on paper and to his lips.

Mountain of God reminds me that this journey is nothing compared to what awaits us, and I need to remember that He is with me every step of the way.

The line that I can't get out of my head from Cry out to Jesus is that "He will meet you wherever you are" All you have to do is ask. I think about everyone I met in New Orleans and how strong their faith still is. They spent hours on roof tops without food and water, not knowing if their son/daughter/husband/mother was alive or not, and they wanted to pray with me.

As soon as I heard the first chords of Movin on up I immediately saw the entire worship team at FFC shouting praises (can I put in requests?)

When I heard Creed I thought of Led Zeppelin. Weird right?

After listening to the entire CD I prayed. I prayed good. Really good. I prayed for things I didn't even know I wanted to pray about. I laughed. I cried. I gave praise. LOTS OF IT.

Mountain of God
Third Day
Thought that I was all alone
Broken and afraid
But You were there with me
Yes, You were there with me
And I didn't even know
That I had lost my way
But You were there with me
Yes, You were there with me
'Til You opened up my eyes
I never knew
That I couldn't ever make it
Without You
Even though the journey's long
And I know the road is hard
Well, the One who's gone before me
He will help me carry on
After all that I've been through
Now I realize the truth
That I must go through the valley
To stand upon the mountain of God
As I travel on the road
That You have led me down
You are here with me
Yes, You are here with me
I have need for nothing more
Oh, now that I have found
That You are here with me
Yes, You are here with me
I confess from time to time
I lose my way
But You are always there
To bring me back again
Sometimes I think of where it is I've come from
And the things I've left behind
But of all I've had, what I possessed
Nothing can quite compare
With what's in front of me
With what's in front of me
I thought that I was all alone
Broken and afraid
But, You are here with me
Yes, You are here with me.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Who's your best friend?

My friend Quinton is a typical single, young, man living on his own. The only thing different is that he has about 4 sets of dishes. Not a big deal? Yes it is a big deal when you don't do dishes until every single one is dirty. This is his kitchen when I got to his house today:

GROSS!!! I'm not the cleanest person in the entire world, but really??!! I found dishes from left over Red Lobster. The last time he ate at Red Lobster was with me...A MONTH AGO! I swear I'm going to donate his body to science after he falls asleep one night. That man has to be lined in cancer fighting cells to survive walking through this kitchen everyday and not die. His coffee pot:

Yep...that's mold. I asked him if he wanted help cleaning and he so conveniently brought up just a couple weeks ago when he washed and waxed my car just to be I did it (after I made him throw in a mac n cheese kids meal from burger king with apple fries and a fruit punch).

If it adds a few more years to my friends life than it wasn't wasted time. Oh, if anyone wants to know what he was doing the while I was risking my life in that death trap he calls a kitchen, he was busy too. He was hooking up the surround sound in his living room and playing an entire game of baseball on the PS3 to make sure it sounded ok....boys

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Free Fun!!!

My wonderful big sister took me on a mini vacation, and I had so much fun!!! We drove down to Santa Claus, IN for a trip to Holiday World. First I want to say that they really take the Santa Clause theme and run with it. We stayed Santa's Lodge which was located on Christmas Blvd. Our dinner was catered by St. Nick's Restaurant. There were a million Frosty the Snowmen's and Santa photo ops everywhere! I've heard of Christmas in July, but it's Christmas ALL YEAR ROUND there. I met tons of wonderful people. Some from Audra's company, some locals, and some Canadians hehe.
It ended up being a pretty late night so when Monday morning rolled around the last thing I wanted to do was spend all day in the sun getting whipped around on coasters. So we hit up Splashin Safari first. It was very relaxing. There were a lot of family's with little ones so we were in good company. We did the wave pool for a little bit then grabbed Nicole and were off to Bakuli! The line was very short and went super fast! There was a height requirement, but there were also a ton of little kids in line so I wasn't too worried.....
I now know what a goldfish being flushed feels like! There was a lot of darkness and a lot of spinning! It was not a "let's do that again" ride, but I did recommend it to everyone! It was then time to eat. Did I mention that Holiday World offers free drinks! Really there are Pepsi Oasis's everywhere. You just grab a cup and fill er up! Vendors only sell bottled water because everything is free and unlimited! They also have sunscreen stations so there is no excuse for not protecting your skin! The pizza smelt better than it tasted but oh well. We did a couple water slides next and a few passes in the lazy river. Back to the wave pool for a quick core "workout" (that is kicking my butt today) then it was time for the big guns!
After a few hours of laziness in the water we were ready to go for The Legend. The lines were really short. Everyone did those rides first and went to Splashin Safari to cool down. Audra and I like to do things backwards, and for once it worked to our advantage! We didn't have to wait in line at all for the coasters! TMI ahead just so you know. I started my womanly week of misery early. Wooden roller coasters+cramps=Bad Idea. I was ready to be done after that, but we had to ride The Voyage. It has been rated the number one wooden roller coaster in the world for like 5 years. Number one wooden roller coaster in the world+cramps=REALLY bad idea!
I would also like to add that Holiday World has also been voted Cleanest and Friendliest Amusent park in the world for the past 8 years! And it was! I couldn't help but notice there were a lot of Emily's that worked there. I'm just sayin...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Why my weekend stinks

Unless you live under a rock, you know what is pictured to the left. It has been the reason I don't want to wake up in the morning. It has been the reason I don't answer the phone at work, and it is the reason behind our horrible sales for the past two days. It is *insert big dramatic music now* the iPhone.

This is Brett Howell folks. He was the first person in Australia to own the new iPhone. Congratulations Brett!!! You just spent an arm and a leg for a phone that is going to make your life a living hell. BUT you did get a big ribbon with the number 1 on it so who cares! Your phone will get, quite possibly the worst service out of any cell you have ever owned, but don't worry because it will be junk in 5 months! Oh and that beautiful picture you took of your daughters first steps, good luck sending that to family and friends Brett. You can't. Too bad you tossed every other electronic you owned because they said the iPhone was all you would ever need.

So here is to Brett and all the other morons out there who stood in line for days because they couldn't live without the iPhone. Good luck living with it now suckers! And don't come crying to me when they don't work because all you will get is "I told you so"

Friday, July 11, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Forgot to add that the ear candles were just the beginning of the fun. Watching Madison eat her corn dog was the icing on the cake!

Success-Negative Fun-CHECK!!!

I first would like to say that everyone involved made it out alive!

For those who follow my sisters blog you will know that she has been struggling with an ear ache. Those who don't should know that she takes things way too seriously and has way too much time on her hands hehe. Anywho, I get a text message earlier today that read: "Want 2 help me ear wick 2ngt?" To which I replied: "Duh" Who would pass on a chance to stick flaming things in their big sisters ear?! That's stuff we would've got in soooo much trouble for when we were little!

We actually read the directions! *insert round of applause here* Even the insert that came inside the box got a thorough examination. This could've really taken an ugly turn folks, and I hate being held responsible for things! I felt like McGyver. I need a pie pan, scissors, and a bowl of water! After a few terrifying glances from Audra the fun began. And boy do I mean fun! Really. Look at our faces. They are exactly like the pictures in the box! Such good advertising.

I would also like to point out that while Audra had flames in her ear she was able to talk on the phone with one hand and hold the pan with the other. I was basically there for looks (story of my life). Actually, while she was doing that, I was holding the candle and taking video of Pike doing things he shouldn't. All in all I would chalk this up as a good night. EXCEPT for the fact that the whole thing didn't work.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Go Camera...It's your birthday!

So I am so excited with my new camera!!! Look at my 4th of July pics!! This is my favorite! It looks like an electric underwater blowfish!

This one looks like a palm tree

Friday, July 4, 2008


As fun as it may sound to have a makeover party with a 3 year olds make up kit, It is not a good idea. I repeat, NOT A GOOD IDEA. Hehe :) Julie always has those not so good ideas (just ask the doctor who recently preformed outpatient surgery on her) so I take complete blame for waking up with glitter EVERYWHERE! I mean I could've went with the glitter lipgloss instead of the glitter blush and glitter eyeshadow ha! Last night also consisted of me taking all the strings off my guitar (not the kiddie one) because I just knew I had more in the truck. I had strings alright but only E and A. Then the heated (and long) game of Phase 10 began. We started with 8 players on the back porch and ended with 4 in the garage. Audra was declared the winner by default of the game and number of times being skipped, which her little sister had no part in ;).

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I shouldn't complain BUT.....

My guitar wasn't quite what I expected. Go ahead and comment. Everyone seems to have their jokes. I may have been disappointed, but I know little Madison will absolutely love it!

Monday, June 30, 2008

can't catch zzzzzzz's

I'm asking for help...

How does everyone nap? I have yet to find the appropriate way to do it. I can never time it right or find the right location.

This is frustrating because I need them lately.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Party on Wayne

I can not contain my excitement! We've been having a contest at work through Samsung. All we do is sell Samsung products, report our sales, and earn points! Everything I have entered for Jan-May has given me 300 points. Saturdays are slow at work so I started going through June sales....

2000 POINTS FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! I've been trying to save them, but I had to spend today! I've gotten a book here and some shoes there, but I was a big spender today! I got a guitar! Black with blue flames! How rockstar is that?!

I have no idea how to play the guitar hehe! So looks like I'm going to be giving my new buddy Brent a call for some lessons! I will let you all know how it goes!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Summertime At Last

So I woke up this morning in a funk (and not because I haven't showered in two days). I had a fear that my alarm clock wouldn't go off so I was waking up every two hours to check the time. Finally, at 6, I decided not to go back to bed. This week has been very stressful. I got back from New Orleans late Saturday night. Sunday was spent unpacking, developing pictures, and talking to Growth Group. Monday I had class in the morning, chaperoned my boss's sons field trip, then class again in the evening. Tuesday work all day. Wednesday class in morning, work, class in evening. Thursday work all day then class. I just couldn't face the day this morning. I needed EMILY time. So I called my boss (who is the world's greatest) and told her that I wouldn't be in. As I laid in bed I started thinking about Milah's blog about her front porch. I knew exactly what I needed to do with my day. So I grabbed a broom and started sweeping!
Doesn't sound like too much fun for a day off, but it needed to be done. Our front porch gets put away every winter. The furniture that fills it is very aged and needs a lot of TLC. So every mother's day we get everything out, hose it down, and piece it back together. For some reason that didn't get done this year. I was always too busy to help. Amy was never in town the same time Mom was. And so on....

As I unpacked everything from the block garage and hauled it up to the house, I start smiling. I've always been jealous of those people who remember everything. Everytime I start to think I have no childhood memories God throws something at me to spark it. Like the hideous yellow elephant table with removable top. I used to carry that thing around the porch and take everybody's orders. Then go inside to prepare the "food". Or the wicker chairs that I wanted to paint one year, but Grandma insisted that "ALL the wicker was to remain white!"
After the windows are cleaned, carpets vaccummed, and WHITE wicker is dusted, I stare at the finished product. It looks the same as it did the first time I ever laid eyes on it. Summer has begun and my funk is gone.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Say Cheeeeeese!

So I had to get another new camera....

Not everyone knows my camera stories so I will make this really short. The first digital camera I bought was a 3 megapixel (which is what my phone has now) and was roughly $300. I put it in layaway at Wal-Mart for as long as they would keep it. I had a good run with that camera until it was stolen. Right out from under my nose! It was on the table one minute and the next it was gone :(

Camera numero dos was a christmas present from mom. It lasted until Easter. It still works. The screen is just shattered. Kind of defeats the purpose of a digital camera! I'm not pointing fingers, BUT when I took my memory card out to get pictures developed, the last image was of Audra taking a self portrait...

On to number 3. I told myself when I got my tax stimulus back I was going to get a camera. It had been a long year without one. I was dependent on others to make copies, upload, or burn cd's for me long enough! So Friday morning when that check was in my account, I was in Sears. Kodak has always been good to me so I picked one out. The price on the display was $169.99, which was in my range. When the man grabbed it from the back the tag on the box said $101.97! So I bought a 2GB card and the extended warranty.

Good thing.

The camera wouldn't charge, wouldn't transfer pictures...NOTHING! So I call my ex brother-in-law (because he is a genius and can explain things at my level) and NOTHING again! So the next day I get to work, check my email, and he sent me a link. 12 PAGES ON GOOGLE ABOUT HOW AWFUL MY CAMERA IS!!!!!! I just need it to get me through New Orleans, and I will do something about it when I get back. It died on Wednesday :(

So camera number 4 is red and I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

R.I.P. George Carlin

1. I don’t have pet peeves — I have major psychotic hatreds!
2. Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
3. Swimming is not a sport. Swimming is a way to keep from drowning. That’s just common sense!
4. I wanna live. I don’t wanna die. That’s the whole meaning of life: Not dying! I figured that shit out by myself in the third grade.
5. If it’s true that our species is alone in the universe, then I’d have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
6. No one knows what’s next, but everybody does it.
7. The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.”
8. The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.
9. Just when I discovered the meaning of life, they changed it.
10. I don’t like to think of laws as rules you have to follow, but more as suggestions.
11. I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
12. When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you get a front-row seat.
13. Here’s a bumper sticker I’d like to see: “We are the proud parents of a child who’s self-esteem is sufficient that he doesn’t need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car.”
14. I love and treasure individuals as I meet them; I loathe and despise the groups they identify with and belong to.
15. I’ve never seen a homeless guy with a bottle of Gatorade.
16. One great thing about getting old is that you can get out of all sorts of social obligations just by saying you’re too tired.
17. In America, anyone can become president. That’s the problem.
18. “One thing leads to another”? Not always. Sometimes one thing leads to the same thing. Ask an addict.
19. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
20. I’m always relieved when someone is delivering a eulogy and I realize I’m listening to it.
21. Most people with low self-esteem have earned it.
22. Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.
23. So far, this is the oldest I’ve been.