Friday, September 12, 2008


I was catching up on my e-mails this morning. Tis the season for all things political. Some I read, and some I just go ahead and delete. I received one from my sister's mother (hehe) about Sarah Palin. It was full of pictures showing how she is a down-to-earth American. She loves to fish, hunt, and ride 4-wheelers. She's a wonderful mother. She blah blah blah blah....Honestly all I did was look at the pictures because I hate reading. Anywho, I get to the bottom and this picture caught my eye....

OK?! I originally said I wasn't going to vote this year, but I realized that people died so that I could do just that. Besides, if I don't vote I have no right to complain (and I'm sure there will be plenty heated conversations at the Sebree household come November). I thought about a write in, but those two candidates are there for a reason. Really folks, I was thinking about flipping a coin right before I casted my vote. BUT after I got this email, I'm voting for McCain....He used to be SMOKING HOT!


Unknown said...

You are too funny!!! Whatever the reason, I'm behind you. Glad you decided to vote. I had an uncle who lost his life in WW II so I could have that would be a disgrace to his name if I didn't vote.

Thanks for the comments about my're a sweeetheart too!

Irun Man said...

He's not my type but.... LOL I got a kick out of your post and actually did laugh out loud at your reasoning for voting for McCain. :]
I'm also glad you decided to vote. At school I'm the contact for students, teachers, and community members that want/need to register to vote. :-)

missval said...

vote for McCain bc he was a hott soldier. Best political strategy i've heard so far....i'm in. my vote goes for McCain.

Sue said...


Your reason for voting for McCain makes just as much sense as, well, I can't put my finger on anything else right now. LOL

GLAD you WILL be voting, for whatever reason...It is a privilege which shouldn't be taken lightly or ignored altogether.