Monday, June 30, 2008

can't catch zzzzzzz's

I'm asking for help...

How does everyone nap? I have yet to find the appropriate way to do it. I can never time it right or find the right location.

This is frustrating because I need them lately.


Unknown said...

Tonight Jack was sitting on the porch in a rocking chair and he fell asleep, which is not unusual for him. Myself, I can't fall asleep sitting up so I just go to bed. Usually all I need is 30 minutes and I'm good to go. Hey, I know of a church here in town you can go to that will put you to sleep! hehe

Sue said... are BAD! LOL

Emily, ask your Dad. He doesn't seem to have trouble catching a few zzzzzs on the run. 10-15 minutes and he is good to go. My problem is I can't just "nap". If I try to do that, I usually end up in a coma, deep in the REM stage...

Hobbs Family said...

Nap...what is that? figure it out before you have little ones or you never will...hehehe I have a room that is really dark, that always helps!

Nathan said...

3:45pm. couch. pillow. blanket. cartoons turned down really low. remote in hand in case a loud commercial comes on. ;o)

Keym said...

I was raised to think that naps are wasting daylight, soooooo for me it is really hard to take a nap. I do find on stormy days if my house is below zero I can snuggle down in my bed and catch up but that is really about it. Almost every morning though one of my first thoughts is "Hum when can I take a nap?" Totally funny since I hardly ever take them. :0)

Audra said...

Shadow and Pike would like to give their two sense.

Shadow says "the best time take a nap is right after mom cleans off the couch and fluffs the pillows back up from my last nap. A baby bear under the chin never hurts either!"

Pike adds "I find it easiest to nap when Shadow is getting yelled at for jumping back onto the couch that mom just cleaned. That means she doesn't see me sneak into the bedroom! I like to take Bear or Elsie with me!"

Oscar had a comment as well, but I still haven't figured out fish talk yet! ha