Thursday, July 10, 2008

Success-Negative Fun-CHECK!!!

I first would like to say that everyone involved made it out alive!

For those who follow my sisters blog you will know that she has been struggling with an ear ache. Those who don't should know that she takes things way too seriously and has way too much time on her hands hehe. Anywho, I get a text message earlier today that read: "Want 2 help me ear wick 2ngt?" To which I replied: "Duh" Who would pass on a chance to stick flaming things in their big sisters ear?! That's stuff we would've got in soooo much trouble for when we were little!

We actually read the directions! *insert round of applause here* Even the insert that came inside the box got a thorough examination. This could've really taken an ugly turn folks, and I hate being held responsible for things! I felt like McGyver. I need a pie pan, scissors, and a bowl of water! After a few terrifying glances from Audra the fun began. And boy do I mean fun! Really. Look at our faces. They are exactly like the pictures in the box! Such good advertising.

I would also like to point out that while Audra had flames in her ear she was able to talk on the phone with one hand and hold the pan with the other. I was basically there for looks (story of my life). Actually, while she was doing that, I was holding the candle and taking video of Pike doing things he shouldn't. All in all I would chalk this up as a good night. EXCEPT for the fact that the whole thing didn't work.


Audra said...

You need to figure out how to post more pictures!! This evening was the best Thursday I've had since Grey's went off! =)

Hobbs Family said...

Remind me when i have an ear ache to just go to the real doctor, not you TWO! YIKES!

Nathan said...

Fire + siblings head = good time ;-)

Mommy pfohl said...

Man, that looks awesome! Sorry I missed out! Wow! I'd love to put fire in my sisters ear! hehehe! -mindy