Friday, July 4, 2008


As fun as it may sound to have a makeover party with a 3 year olds make up kit, It is not a good idea. I repeat, NOT A GOOD IDEA. Hehe :) Julie always has those not so good ideas (just ask the doctor who recently preformed outpatient surgery on her) so I take complete blame for waking up with glitter EVERYWHERE! I mean I could've went with the glitter lipgloss instead of the glitter blush and glitter eyeshadow ha! Last night also consisted of me taking all the strings off my guitar (not the kiddie one) because I just knew I had more in the truck. I had strings alright but only E and A. Then the heated (and long) game of Phase 10 began. We started with 8 players on the back porch and ended with 4 in the garage. Audra was declared the winner by default of the game and number of times being skipped, which her little sister had no part in ;).


Audra said...

I was skipped a total of 8 times!! EIGHT TIMES!! It's sad so when the haters hate! ha

Can't wait to see your purse.

BTW: I think I'm going to start blogging. (maybe)

Keym said...

You should have me tell you a joke about glitter sometime.